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Conference abstracts


  1. Esposito R.*, Frezzotti M.L., Ferrando S., Maffeis A., Aiuppa A., Rizzo A. (2023). Role of carbonate-silicate melts in the metasomatic rejuvenation of the lithosphere beneath Sal Island in Cape Verde archipelago. AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco (USA). ORAL Presentation

  2. Maffeis A.*, Frezzotti M. L., Esposito R., Ferrando S., Aiuppa A., Rizzo A.L. (2023). Metastable CO2 + CO fluids and carbonatites: evaluating C driven oxidation gradients during mantle upwelling beneath the Cape Verde islands. AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco (USA). ORAL Presentation

  3. Sandoval-Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padrón E. & Pérez N.M. (2023). New insights on the noble gas and CO2 signature of the lithospheric mantle beneath La Palma (Canary Islands). SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza, Italy. ORAL presentation

  4. Ariano A.*, Frondini F., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Ricci L., Petrelli M., Vetuschi Zuccolini M. and Virgili G. (2023). New data on Monterotondo Marittimo and Sasso Pisano geothermal areas: a focus on the carbon dioxide, methane and heat emissions (Tuscany, Italy). SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza (Italy). POSTER presentation

  5. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Connolly J. A. D., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2023). Fluid redox fingerprint of the CaCO3 + Antigorite dehydration reaction in subducted metacarbonate sediments. SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza (Italy). ORAL Presentation​

  6. Maffeis A.* (2023). Modelling SiO2 solubility over wide P-T conditions: advances and open problems. SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza (Italy). POSTER Presentation

  7. Groppo C.*, Tamang S., Girault F., Perrier F. & Rolfo F. (2023). The contribution of dolomitic and magnesitic rocks to orogenic degassing. SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza (Italy). ORAL presentation 

  8. Groppo C.*, Tamang S., Girault F., Perrier F. & Rolfo F. (2023). Identifying evaporitic protoliths in metasedimentary sequences of collisional orogens: implications for ore deposits prospection. SIMP-AIV-SoGeI-SGI, September 19-21, 2023, Potenza (Italy). POSTER presentation 

  9. Ricci L.*, Caliro S., Frondini F. (2023). Insights on the geochemistry of lakes associated with a passive rift system: Guéry lake (Massif Central, France) and Laacher See (Volcanic Eifel, Germany) by comparison (2023). CVL IAV-CEI 11th Workshop on Volcanic lakes, Sao Miguel (Azores), 28 August- 5 September 2023. ORAL presentation

  10. Maffeis A.*, Pasero F., Frezzotti M.L., Ferrando S. (2023). GIS-based fluid inclusion petrography. 26th ECROFI, July 2-6, 2023, Reykjavík (Iceland). POSTER Presentation

  11. Ferrando S.*, Pasero F., Maffeis A., Frezzotti M.L., Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2023). Fluid inclusion study in anatectic metapelite xenoliths from the Tibetan Plateau (northern Karakorum, China). 6th ECROFI, July 2-6, 2023, Reykjavík (Iceland). ORAL Presentation

  12. Maffeis A.* (2023). Modelling SiO2 solubility over wide P-T conditions: advances and open problems. 26th ECROFI, July 2-6, 2023,  Reykjavík (Iceland). POSTER Presentation

  13. Kim D.*, Park C., Lee M.J., Rizzo A.L., Lee H. (2023). He-Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopes of the Cenozoic basalts around the Korean Peninsula. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, May 21-26, 2023, Chiba (Japan). ORAL presentation

  14. Rizzo A.L.* (2023). What may modify the 3He/4He signature in subduction settings? Evidence from the Central and South American Volcanic Arc. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, May 21-26, 2023, Chiba (Japan). ORAL presentation

  15. Frezzotti M.L.* (2023) Carbon fluxes in the lithospheric mantle recorded by fluid inclusions. Primo Workshop Nazionale sulle Inclusioni Fluide e Vetrose, May 10-11, 2023, Palermo (Italy). KEYNOTE presentation

  16. Esposito R.* (2023). May Selecting melt inclusions associated to volcanic systems and interpreting their volatile records: an integrated approach. Primo Workshop Nazionale sulle Inclusioni Fluide e Vetrose, May 10-11, 2023, Palermo (Italy). KEYNOTE presentation

  17. Rizzo A.L.* (2023). Noble gases isotopes in fluid inclusions: methods and applications to Geosciences. Primo Workshop Nazionale sulle Inclusioni Fluide e Vetrose, May 10-11, 2023, Palermo (Italy). ORAL presentation

  18. Sandoval-Velasquez A.L.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A., Frezzotti M.L., Straub S., Gomez-Tuena A., Espinasa-Perena R. (2023). The composition of the Mexican lithospheric mantle: a new perspective from noble gases and carbon isotopes in fluid inclusions. Primo Workshop Nazionale sulle Inclusioni Fluide e Vetrose, May 10-11, 2023, Palermo (Italy). ORAL presentation

  19. Chiodini G.*, Bini G., Caliro S. (2023). The hidden activity of volcanoes: magma degassing events. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria.INVITED presentation

  20. Ricci L.*, Frondini F., Morgavi D., Ariano A., Boudoire G., Laumonier M., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Kueppers U., Chiodini G. (2023). Chemical and isotopic signatures of fluids circulating in the Massif Central (France) and in the Volcanic Eifel (Germany): evidences of similar features and of an ongoing degassing process. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria. ORAL presentation

  21. Ariano A.*, Frondini F., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Ricci L., Petrelli M., Vetuschi Zuccolini M., Virgili G. (2023). Carbon dioxide, methane and heat emissions of the Monterotondo Marittimo and Sasso Pisano geothermal areas (Tuscany, Italy). EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria. ORAL presentation

  22. Liuzzo M.*, Di Muro A., Rizzo A.L., Caracausi A., Grassa F., Boudoire G., Coltorti M., Bénard, B. (2023). Grande Comore and Mayotte gas-geochemistry and evidence of deep fluid migration during the 2018-2020 submarine eruption off Mayotte. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-8732. ORAL presentation

  23. Bini G.*, Chiodini G., Caliro S., Tassi F., Vaselli O., Rizzo A., Mollo S., Vougioukalakis G., Bachmann O. (2023). Tracking episodes of outgassing from upper-crustal magma reservoirs through fumarole gas chemistry: the case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece). EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-4205. ORAL presentation

  24. Faccini B.*, Faccincani L., Rizzo, A.L., Casetta F., Coltorti M. (2023). Combining volatiles measurements in fluid inclusions with petrology of ultramafic xenoliths from the Massif d'Ambre: unravelling the nature and evolution of the northern Madagascar Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-16798. ORAL presentation

  25. Sandoval-Velasquez A., Rizzo A.L.*, Casetta F., Ntaflo, T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padron E., Pankhurst M., Mundl-Petermeier A., Perez N.M. (2023). The 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands): new perspectives on the geochemistry of lavas and noble gases isotopes trapped in fluid inclusions. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-14572. ORAL presentation

  26. Rizzo A.L.*, Casetta F., Faccini B., Faccincani L., Sandoval-Velasquez A., Aiuppa A., Coltorti M. (2023). The carbon cycle in the mantle below intra-continental rift settings. EGU General Assembly 2023, April 24-28, 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-15035. ORAL presentation

  27. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F., Girault F. & Perrier F. (2023). Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: poorly investigated, yet significant, sources of CO2 in collisional orogens. Metamorphic Studies Group Research in Progress Meeting 2023, April 4-5, 2023, Oxford (UK). ORAL presentation

  28. Lages J.*, Boudoire G., Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A., Casola V., France L. (2023). What is the carbon isotope composition of the mantle beneath Oldoinyo Lengai? IAVCEI 2023, January 30-February 3, 2023, Rotorua (New Zealand). ORAL presentation

  29. D’Arcy F.*, Grassa F., Aiuppa A., Rizzo A., Stix J. (2023), Isotopic composition of volcanic plume CO2 prior the July 3rd, 2019 paroxysm at Stromboli volcano, Italy. IAVCEI 2023, January 30-February 3, 2023, Rotorua (New Zealand). ORAL presentation



  1. Esposito R.* (2022). A protocol to interpret volatile contents of magmas recorded by melt inclusions. ACROFI IX 2022, December 12-13, 2022, Nanjing (China). KEYNOTE presentation

  2. Lo Forte F.M.*, Aiuppa A., Rotolo S.G., Zanon V. (2022). Spatio-temporal reconstruction of the magma plumbing system of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde archipelago. 5a Conferenza A. Rittmann 2022, September 29-October 1, Catania (Italy). ORAL presentation

  3. Frezzotti M.L.* (2022). Carbon fluxes in the lithospheric mantle recorded by fluid inclusions. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). KEY NOTE presentation

  4. Esposito R.*, Redi D., Danyushevsky L.V., Gurenko A., De Vivo B., Manning C.E., Bodnar R.J., Steele-MacInnis M., Frezzotti M.L. (2022). The volatile evolution of mafic melts associated with magmas of the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation.

  5. Pingitore F., Frezzotti M.L., Esposito R.* (2022). The dynamic of magmas associated to the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption: new insights from melt inclusions hosted in clinopyroxenes. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation..

  6. Ariano A.*, Frondini F., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Ricci L., Vetuschi Zuccolini M., Virgili G. (2022). Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and heat in the geothermal area of Monterotondo Marittimo (Italy). SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  7. Malusà M.G.*, Brandmayr E., Panza G.F., Romanelli F., Ferrando S., Frezzotti M.L. (2022). Implications of the December 2020 Milan earthquake for the carbon emission budget of non-volcanic collisional settings. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  8. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M. (2022). The composition of noble gas and CO2 in the European subcontinental lithospheric mantle. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  9. Sandoval-Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A., Coltorti M. (2022). The radiogenic nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath Lanzarote (Canary Islands). SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  10. Groppo C.*, Rolfo F. & Frezzotti M.L. (2022). The contribution of calcareous pelites in shaping the continental crust: prograde metamorphism, fluid production and melt (un)fertility. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  11. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2022). Aluminous metapelites as a key to constraining the P-T evolution of the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Central Nepal). SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). ORAL presentation

  12. Esposito R.*, Redi D., Danyushevsky L.V., Gurenko A., De Vivo B., Manning C.E., Bodnar R.J., Steele- MacInnis M., Frezzotti M.L. (2022). The volatile evolution of mafic melts associated with magmas of the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  13. Groppo C.*, Rolfo F. & Frezzotti M.L. (2022). CO2 degassing in collisional orogenic settings is enhanced by fluid immiscibility at depth. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  14. Girault F.*, France-Lanord C., Adhikari L.B., Upreti B.N., Paudyal K.R., Gajurel A.P., Agrinier P., Losno R., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Thapa S., Tamang S., Perrier F. (2022). Crustal fluids in the Nepal Himalaya: spatial organization and sensitivity to the earthquake cycle. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). INVITED ORAL presentation

  15. Frondini F.*, Donnini M., Cardellini D., Melelli L., Ricci L., Ariano A., Chiodini G., Vetuschi Zuccolini M. (2022). Towards the quantification of geological CO2 outgassing of the Alps. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  16. Li Vigni L.*, Cardellini C., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Brugnone F., Parello F. (2022). Impact of geogenic degassing on C-isotopic composition of dissolved carbon in karst systems of Greece. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  17. Pingitore F*., Frezzotti M.L., Esposito R. (2022). The dynamic of magmas associated to the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption: new insights from melt inclusions hosted in clinopiroxenes. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  18. Maffeis A.*, Connolly J.A.D., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D., Ferrando S. (2022). Carbon and Sulphur speciation in subarc subduction-zone fluids calculated with electrolytic-fluid thermodynamic modelling of a UHP marble as a function of P-T-fO2. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  19. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F., Girault F., Perrier F. (2022). Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: A petrological perspective in the framework of CO2 degassing during collisional orogeny. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  20. Thapa S.*, Girault F., Deldicque D., France-Lanord C., Groppo G., Rolfo F., Adhikari L.B., Bhattarai M., Paudyal K.R., Losno R., Perrier F. (2022). Characterization of graphitic schist occurrences in the Nepal Himalaya. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  21. Zucchini A.*, Gavryushkin P.N., Golovin A.V., Bolotina N.D., Stabile P., Carroll M.R., Comodi P., Frondini F., Morgavi D., Perugini D., Arzilli F., Cherin M., Kazimoto E., Kokh K., Kuznetsov A. & Medrish I.V. (2022). Nyerereite: a possible new guest in the deep C cycle. SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  22. Filipponi L.*, Ferrando S., Decarlis A. (2022). Fluid circulation during the early stage of the Pangea breakup: preliminary minero-petrographic and fluid inclusion evidence from the Calizzano Massif (Pre- Piedemont Domain, Ligurian Alps). SGI-SIMP, 19-21 September, Torino (Italy). POSTER presentation

  23. Maffeis A.*, Connolly J. A. D., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D., Ferrando S. (2022). P-T-fO2 C and S speciation in subduction zone fluids as obtained by electrolytic-fluid thermodynamic modelling of impure carbonate system. 14th International Eclogite Conference, Lyon (France), 10-13 July, 2022. ORAL presentation

  24. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M. (2022). The composition of noble gas and CO2 in the European subcontinental lithospheric mantle. EMAW 2022, 12-15 September, Toulouse (France). ORAL presentation

  25. Cardellini C.*, Chiodini G., Frigeri A., Bagnato E., Frondini F., Ricci, L., Ionescu, A., Aiuppa, A., D’alessandro, W. (2022). A new estimate of global CO2 emissions from volcanoes diffuse degassing, based on MaGa database. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu. ORAL Presentation​

  26. Ricci L.*, Frondini F., Morgavi D., Boudoire G., Laumonier, Caliro S., Cardellini C., Ariano A., Chiodini G. (2022). CO2 emission and geothermal features of the French Massif Central. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu.ORAL presentation

  27. Li Vigni L., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Brugnone F., Aiuppa A., Parello F. (2022). Geogenic carbon transport through karst hydrosystems of Greece. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu. ORAL Presentation

  28. Lo Forte F.M.*, Zanon V., Aiuppa A., Rotolo S.G. (2022). Characterization of the magma storage system of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde archipelago: insights from fluid inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene crystals. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, HonoluluORAL presentation

  29. Maffeis A.*, Connolly J. A. D., Ferrando S., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2022). C and S speciation in HP-UHP fluids as obtained by electrolytic-fluid thermodynamic modelling of a UHP marble. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu. (Remote) ORAL presentation 

  30. Sandoval-Velasquez A., Rizzo A.L.*, Aiuppa A., Frezzotti M.L., Straub S., Gomez-Tuena A., Espinasa-Perena R. (2022), Recycling of subduction-related noble gases and crustal carbon in the Mexican lithospheric mantle. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu. ORAL presentation

  31. Lages J., Boudoire G., Rizzo A.L.*, Aiuppa A., Casola V., France L. (2022). Essential clues from CO2-rich fluid inclusions into the complex origin of carbon at the natrocarbonatite volcano of Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Goldschmidt Hawaii, 10-15 July 2022, Honolulu. ORAL presentation

  32. Li Vigni L., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Parello F., Cardellini C., Caliro S., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W. (2022). Carbon degassing through karst hydrosystems of Greece”. Calabrese S., Pecoraino G., Procesi M. and Vaselli O. (Eds), Abstract Volume, 1st Congress of Società Geochimica Italiana,  July 5-8, 2022, Genova (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  33. Ricci, L.*, Frondini F., Morgavi D., Boudoire G., Laumonier M., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Chiodini G. (2022). Chemical and isotopic characterization of fluids circulating in the Massif Central (France) to investigate the regional degassing. 1st Congress of Società Geochimica Italiana,  July 5-8, 2022, Genova (Italy). ORAL presentation

  34. Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Frigeri A., Bagnato E., Frondini F., Ricci L., Ionescu A., Aiuppa A., D’alessandro W. (2022). MaGa database for improvement of the global CO2 emissions from volcanoes diffuse degassing. 1st Congress of Società Geochimica Italiana,  July 5-8, 2022, Genova (Italy). ORAL presentation

  35. Ionescu A.*, Caracausi A., Vaselli O., Daskalopoulou K., Cardellini C., Forray F., Kis B.M., Calabrese S, Tassi T., Chiodini G., Palcsu L. (2022): Tectonically controlled volcanic degassing in the Eastern Carpathians, highlighted by geochemical characterization of mineral waters. 1st Congress of Società Geochimica Italiana,  July 5-8, 2022, Genova (Italy). ORAL presentation.

  36. Randazzo P., Caracausi A., Aiuppa A., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W., Li Vigni L., Papic P., Marinkovic G., Ionescu A. (2022). Active degassing of deep-sourced fluids in central western Europe: new evidences from a geochemical study in Serbia. Calabrese S., Pecoraino G., Procesi M. and Vaselli O. (Eds), Abstract Volume, 1st Congress of Società Geochimica Italiana,  July 5-8, 2022, Genova (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  37. Li Vigni L., Cardellini C., Temovski M., Ionescu A., Molnàr K., Palcsu L., Gagliano A.L., D’Alessandro W. (2022). Duvalo “volcano” (North Macedonia): a tectonic-related CO2 degassing system”. Cities on Volcanoes 11, Heraklion, Creta, 14-18 June 2022. POSTERPresentation

  38. Groppo C.* (2022). Processi geologici di produzione di CO2. Convegno "Scienze e materiali mineralogici per uno sviluppo sostenibile", Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 24-25 May 2022. INVITED presentation

  39. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F. Girault F. (2022). Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing pelites: poorly investigated, yet significant, sources of CO2 in collisional orogens. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. POSTER presentation

  40. Ricci L.*, Frondini F., Morgavi D., Boudoire G., Laumonier M., Cardellini C., Ionescu A., Ariano A., Chiodini G. (2022). CO2 and heat content of the French Massif Central thermal and mineral waters. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. ORAL presentation

  41. Rizzo A.L.*, Sandoval-Velasquez A., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padrón E., Pankhurst M., Pérez N.M.: First insights into the noble gas signature of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption, La Palma (Canary Islands). EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. ORAL presentation

  42. Maffeis A.*, Connolly J. A. D., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D., Ferrando S. (2022). C and S speciation in HP-UHP fluids as obtained by electrolytic-fluid thermodynamic modelling of a UHP marble as a function of P-T-fO2. Metamorphic Study Group, MSG 41 St. Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom, 11-14 April 2022. ORAL presentation



  1. Frezzotti M.L.* (2021). Il ciclo profondo del carbonio: rilascio e trasporto di CO2 dal mantello all'esosfera. Distinguished Lectures SGI-SIMP, 24 November 2021. INVITED presentation

  2. Li Vigni L.*, Temovski M., Ionescu A., Molnàr K., Cardellini C., Parello F., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W. (2021). Geogenic degassing from active tectonic areas of the Balkan Peninsula. BE-GEO SCIENTISTS, 1° Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Scienziati, 7-10 October, 2021, Napoli, Italy. POSTER Presentation

  3. Randazzo P.* Caracausi A., Ionescu A., D’Alessandro W., Li Vigni L., Papic P., Marinkovic G., Cardellini C., Aiuppa A., Chiodini G. (2021). Deep-sourced fluids released in central-western Europe: new evidence of active degassing in Serbia region. BE-GEO SCIENTISTS, 1° Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Scienziati, 7-10 October, 2021, Napoli, Italy. Flash Talk Presentation

  4. Sandoval-Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A., Frezzotti M.L. (2021). Recycled carbon in the lithospheric mantle beneath central Mexico and the Canary Islands: Inferences from mantle xenoliths. BE-GEO SCIENTISTS, 1° Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Scienziati, 7-10 October, 2021, Napoli, Italy. ORAL presentation

  5. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Connolly J. A. D., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2021). The dynamic of COHS fluid production during cold subduction of continental crust. BE-GEO SCIENTISTS, 1° Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Scienziati, 7-10 October, 2021, Napoli, Italy. ORAL presentation

  6. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2021). Barrovian metamorphism in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence of central Nepal seen through the eyes of aluminous metapelites. BE-GEO SCIENTISTS, 1° Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Scienziati, 7-10 October, 2021, Napoli, Italy. ORAL presentation

  7. Li Vigni L.*, Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Cardellini C., Kyriakopoulos K., Ionescu A., Brugnone F., Parello F., D’Alessandro W. (2021). Geochemical characterization of water quality in karst systems of Greece. Conferenza della Società Geologica Italiana (SGI), 14-16 September, 2021, Trieste, Italy. ORAL presentation.

  8. Groppo C.*, Rolfo F., Frezzotti M.L. (2021). Fluid immiscibility drives CO2 transport and outgassing during collisional orogeny. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2021, 30 August - 3 September, 2021, Krakow, Poland, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation  

  9. Casetta F.*, Rizzo A.L., Faccini B., Ntaflos T., Lanzafame G., Mancini L., Giacomoni P.P., Coltorti M. (2021). Petrology, fluid inclusions chemistry and X-ray microtomography in mantle xenoliths: quantifying the CO2 budget in the northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM, 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2021, 30 August - 3 September, 2021, Krakow, Poland, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  10. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Connolly J. A. D., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2021). HP-UHP fluid inclusion post-entrapment evolution predicted by molecular and electrolytic fluid thermodynamic models. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2021, 30 August - 3 September, 2021, Krakow, Poland, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  11. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2021). Barrovian metamorphism in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence of central Nepal seen through the eyes of aluminous metapelites. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2020, 30 August - 3 September, 2021, Krakow, Poland, Virtual Conference. POSTER presentation

  12. Frezzotti M.L.* (2021). Direct insight into diamonds formation from deep C-O-H fluids. Goldschmidt 2021, Virtual Conference, 4-9 July, 2021. KEYNOTE ORAL presentation

  13. Randazzo P., Caracausi A., Ionescu A., D’Alessandro W., Li Vigni L., Papic P., Marinkovic G., Pop C., Cardellini C., Aiuppa A., Chiodini G. (2021). Active degassing of deeply sourced fluids in Central Europe: new evidences from a geochemical study in Serbia. Goldschmidt 2021, Virtual Conference, 4-9 July, 2021.

  14. Casetta F., Rizzo A.L., Faccini B., Ntaflos T., Giacomoni P.P., Lanzafame G., Mancini L., Coltorti,M. (2021). CO2 storage in the northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM: clues from fluid inclusions, mineral chemistry and X-ray microtomography, Goldschmidt 2021, Virtual Conference, 4-9 July, 2021. ORAL presentation

  15. Remigi S.* et al. In-situ determination of the 13C/12C isotope ratio in CO2 fluid inclusions by Raman spectroscopy. e-CROFI2021, 28 June - 2 July, 2021, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  16. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Connolly J. A. D., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2021). HP-UHP fluid inclusion post-entrapment evolution predicted by molecular and electrolytic fluid models. e-CROFI2021, 28 June - 2 July, 2021, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  17. Chiodini G.*, Caliro S., Avino R., Bagnato E., Capecchiacci F., Carandente A., Cardellini C., Minopoli C., Tamburello G., Tripaldi S., Aiuppa A. (2021). Forty years of geochemical data at Campi Flegrei Caldera (CFC) hydrothermal system: a review. 1st IAVCEI-CCVG Virtual Workshop, 24-26 May 2021, Virtual Workshop. ORAL presentation

  18. Cardellini C.*, Chiodini G., Frigeri A., Bagnato E., Aiuppa A., Werner C., Fischer T., Frondini F., Ionescu A., Fatima V., D’Alessandro W. (2021). The MaGa database: state of the art and preliminary data elaboration toward an estimation of the contribution of diffuse CO2 degassing to the global carbon emissions. 1st IAVCEI-CCVG Virtual Workshop, 24-26 May 2021, Virtual Workshop. ORAL presentation

  19. Ionescu A.*, Daskalopoulou K., Temovski M., Persoiu A., Vaselli O., Caracausi A., D’Alessandro W., Tassi F., Cardellini C., Baciu C., Chiodini G., Brad T., Molnár K., Palcsu L. (2021). Fluid geochemistry of the Baile Herculane geothermal system (Romania). 1st IAVCEI-CCVG Virtual Workshop, 24-26 May 2021, Virtual Workshop. ORAL presentation.

  20. Faccini B.*, Rizzo A.L., Casetta F., Faccincani L., Ntaflos T., Italiano F., Coltorti M. (2021). Combining volatiles measurements in fluid inclusions with petrology of ultramafic xenoliths: new insights on the evolution of the West Eifel and Siebengebirge (Germany) Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle. EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21), 19-30 April, 2021, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  21. Sandoval Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A., Frezzotti M.L., Remigi S., Padrón E., Pérez N. (2021). First assessment of the noble gas and CO2 isotopic composition of fluid inclusions hosted in mantle xenoliths from El Hierro (Canary Islands). EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21), 19-30 April, 2021, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  22. Rizzo A.L.*, Faccini B., Bonadiman C., Ntaflos T., Seghedi I., Grégoire M., Ferretti G., Coltorti M. (2021). Fluids composition in the mantle beneath the Eastern Transylvanian Basin inferred from mineral chemistry and noble gases in fluid inclusions of ultramafic xenoliths. EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21), 19-30 April, 2021, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  23. Maffeis A*., Ferrando S., Connolly J. A. D., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. (2021). HP-UHP fluid inclusion evolution predicted by molecular and electrolytic fluid models: implications for HP-UHP metamorphic fluid composition. Metamorphic Study Group, 29-31 March 2021, MSG 40 Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  24. Cardellini C.*, Chiodini G., Frondini F., Caliro S. (2021). CO2 fluxes from diffuse degassing in Italy. Rifts and Rifted Margins Online Seminar in 2021, GFZ-German Research Centre for Geosciences, Postdam, 11 January, 2021. ORAL Presentation


  1. Remigi S.*, Mancini T., Ferrando S., Frezzotti M.L. (2020): The statistical equivalence of the CO2 Raman densimeter equations. Goldschmidt'20, 21-26 June, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  2. Ferrando S.*, Petrelli M., Frezzotti M.L. (2020). Trace-element behavior in UHP fluid inclusions: indicator of the petrological and geochemical evolution of the slab-released fluids. Goldschmidt'20, 21-26 June, 2020, Virtual Conference. INVITED presentation

  3. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Castelli D., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L. (2020). Evaluating Fluid-Host post entrapment interaction in UHP fluid inclusions. Goldschmidt'20, 21-26 June, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  4. Lages J.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A. (2020). Crustal Controls on Noble Gas Signatures in Fluid Inclusions from Andean Eruptive Products. Goldschmidt'20, 21-26 June, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  5. Temovski M.*, D’Alessandro W., Ionescu A., Li Vigni L., Molnár K., Palcsu L., Cardellini C. (2020). Preliminary geochemical characterization of gas manifestations in North Macedonia. EGU General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  6. Li Vigni L.*, Ionescu A., Molnár K., Temovski M., Palcsu L., Cardellini C., Gagliano A.L., D'Alessandro W. (2020). Duvalo (North Macedonia): A “volcano” without volcanic activity. EGU General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  7. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M., Faccini B., Casetta F., Ntaflos T, Italiano F. (2020). Geochemistry of noble gas and CO2 in fluid inclusions from lithospheric mantle beneath Eifel and Siebengebirge (Germany). EGU General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  8. Sandoval-Velasquez A.L.*, Aiuppa A., Rizzo A., Frezzotti M.L., Straub S., Gomez-Tuena A., Espinasa-Perena R. (2020). Geochemistry of noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenoliths and arc lavas from central Mexico. EGU General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May, 2020, Virtual Conference. ORAL presentation

  9. Ionescu A., Cardellini C., D’Alessandro W., Caracausi A., Tamburello G., Chiodini G., Temovski M., Randazzo P., Li Vigni L., Rman N., Papic P., Stroj A., Borovic S., Persoiu A., Baciu C. (2020). Preliminary results of carbon degassing in the tectonically active areas of Balkan Peninsula. 4a Conferenza A. Rittmann Catania, 12-14 February 2020. Abstract Volume 52, 202. ORAL Presentation


  1. Cardellini C.*, Chiodini G., Ionescu A., Frondini F., Caliro S., Beddini G., Rosiello A., Bagnato E., Daskalopoulou K., D'Alessandro W., Caracausi A., Donnini M., Aiuppa A., Randazzo P., Tamburello G., Frigeri A., Kis B.M, Temovski M., Papic P., Rman N., Stroj A., Borović S. (2019). Investigating diffuse CO2 degassing in tectonically active areas by groundwater. AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco CA, USA. POSTER presentation.

  2. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M., Faccini B., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Italiano F. (2019). Petrology and volatile content of mantle xenoliths from Eifel Rift. International Conference on Gas Geochemistry 2019, 30 September - 5 October, 2019, Palermo-Milazzo. ORAL presentation

  3. Sandoval-Velasquez A.L.*, Rizzo A., Aiuppa A., Frezzotti M.L. (2019). Geochemistry of noble gases and CO2 of mantle xenoliths in the Joya Honda maar (central Mexico). International Conference on Gas Geochemistry 2019, 30 September - 5 October, 2019, Palermo-Milazzo. ORAL presentation

  4. Ionescu A.*, Daskalopoulou K., Temosvki M., Persoiu A., , Caracausi A., Roba C., Baciu C., Cardellini C., Traian B., Pop C., Alin N., Molnar K., Laszlo P. (2019). "Thermal Karts of Herculane”: new insights on the fluid geochemistry of the thermos-mineral waters of the Herculane area (Southwestern Romania). International Conference on Gas Geochemistry 2019, 30 September - 5 October, 2019, Palermo-Milazzo. ORAL presentation.

  5. Cardellini C.*, Chiodini G., Frondini F., Caliro S., Avino R., Bagnato E., Beddini G., Rosiello A. (2019). Carbon dioxide diffuse emission in volcanic and hydrothermal areas: monitoring volcanic activity and impact on carbon global emissions. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  6. Chiodini G.*, Beddini G., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Frondini F., Rosiello A. (2019) Measuring and interpreting CO2 and advective heat fluxes at regional scale: the case of Apennines, Italy. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  7. Li Vigni L.*, D’Alessandro W., Cardellini C., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Brugnone F. (2019). Preliminary study on geogenic degassing through the big karstic aquifers of Greece. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  8. Randazzo P.*, Caracausi A., Apollaro C., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Paternoster M., Rosiello A., Aiuppa A. (2019). Fluid geochemistry and CO2 output in the southern Apennine (Italy): Preliminary results. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). POSTER Presentation

  9. Rosiello A.*, Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Frondini F., Caliro S. (2019). CO2 Earth Degassing in Southern Italy: quantification and source identification of the main regional aquifers of the Southern Apennines and Gargano Promontory. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). POSTER Presentation.

  10. Li Vigni L., D’Alessandro W., Cardellini C., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Brugnone F. (2019). Preliminary study on geogenic degassing through the big karstic aquifers of Greece. SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). ORAL Presentation

  11. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M., Faccini B., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Italiano F. (2019). Petrological features and volatile content of ultramafic xenoliths from Eifel (Germany). SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, 16-19 September, 2019, Parma (Italy). ORAL presentation

  12. Lages J.*, Chacon Z., Burbano V., Meza L., Arellano S., Liuzzo M., Giudice G., Aiuppa A., Bitetto M., Lopez C. (2019). Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implications for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring. Goldschmidt'19, 18-23 August, 2019, Barcelona. ORAL presentation

  13. Rizzo A.L., Lages J.*, Battaglia A., Aiuppa A., Samaniego P., Bernard B., Hidalgo S., Le-Pennec J., Ceballos J., Narváez P., Aguilar R., Robidoux P. (2019). Noble Gas Systematics of Central and South America Arc Volcanism from Fluid Inclusions in Minerals. Goldschmidt'19, 18-23 August, 2019, Barcelona. POSTER presentation

  14. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Castelli D., Frezzotti M.L. (2019). Preliminary results on UHP fluid inclusions preserved in UHP marbles from the Dora‐Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). XXV ECROFI Conference (European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions), 23-27 June 2019Budapest, Hungary. POSTER Presentation

  15. Remigi S.*, Frezzotti M.L., Ferrando S. (2019). Generation of CO2-SO2 fluxes in the lithospheric mantle beneath El Hierro (Canary Islands) on metasomatic reactions of carbonate-rich silicate melts. XXV ECROFI Conference (European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions), 23-27 June 2019Budapest, Hungary. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract series, 102. ORAL presentation

  16. Ferrando S.* (2019). UHP fluid inclusions: indicators of the petrological and geochemical role of the fluids released at sub-arc depths. XXV ECROFI Conference (European Current Research On Fluid Inclusions), 23-27 June 2019, Budapest, Hungary. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract series, 38. INVITED KEYNOTE 

  17. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Castelli D., Frezzotti M.L. (2019). Preliminary data on UHP fluid preserved in impure marbles from the Dora-Maira Massif. 13th International Eclogite Conference, 24-27 June, 2019, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. POSTER Presentation

  18. Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Castelli D., Frezzotti M.L. (2019). Possible evidence for incipient decompression melting in the Dora-Maira Massif. 13th International Eclogite Conference, 24-27 June, 2019, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. POSTER Presentation

  19. Kis B.*, Ionescu A., Szabolcs H., Baciu C., Palcsu L., Cardellini C., Imecs Z. (2019). Spatially distinct magmatic gas emissions at the long-dormant Ciomadul volcano (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) (2019). Constraints on the flux of carbon-dioxide, GU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April, 2019. POSTER presentation.

  20. Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M., Faccini B., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Italiano F. (2019). Noble gases and CO2 in fluid inclusions from Eifel (Germany) lithospheric mantle. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April, 2019. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21. ORAL presentation

  21. Ionescu A.*, Kis B.M., Cardellini C., Pop C., Palcsu L., Baciu C., Harangi S. (2019). Geochemistry and carbon dioxide flux of the Szent Anna crater lake (Ciomadul volcano, Romania). IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes, 10th workshop, 17-25 March 2019, New Zealand. ORAL presentation.

* Presenting author

PRIN2017 - Project n°: 2017LMNLAW

Funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)

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